What did I just do?

Step 1: Fork the Repository

Forking a repository means creating a personal copy of someone else's project on GitHub. It allows you to freely make changes without affecting the original repository.
By forking the repository, you'll have your own version of the project under your GitHub account, which you can modify and contribute to.

Step 2: Clone the Repository

Cloning a repository means creating a local copy of the repository on your own machine.
Cloning is necessary because it allows you to work on the project locally, make changes, and test them before submitting them as a pull request.
The'git clone'command fetches the entire repository from GitHub and creates a local copy on your computer.

Step 3: Create a New Branch

A branch is a parallel version of the codebase within the repository. It allows you to work on separate features or changes without affecting the main branch.
Creating a new branch is important to keep your changes isolated and organized.
The'git branch'command creates a new branch, and'git checkout'command allows you to switch to that newly created branch.

Step 4: Make Your Changes

This step involves modifying the code or adding new content to the project according to the task or contribution you want to make.
In this specific case, you are adding your profile details to the'data.json'file, following the given format.

Step 5: Stage and Commit Your Changes

Before committing your changes, you need to stage them. Staging means selecting the specific changes you want to include in the next commit.
The'git add'command stages the modified file,'src/components/data.json', to be included in the commit.
Committing means saving your changes with a descriptive message indicating what you've done.
The'git commit'command is used to create a commit with a meaningful message.

Step 6: Push the Changes

Pushing your changes means uploading your local commits to your forked repository on GitHub.
By using the'git push'command, you send your branch with the committed changes to your GitHub repository.

Step 7: Create the Pull Request

A pull request is a way to propose your changes to the original repository owner for review and potential inclusion in the main project.
By creating a pull request, you're asking the repository owner to consider your changes and merge them into the main branch.
The pull request page allows you to review the changes you've made and provide additional information or comments about your contribution.
Once the pull request is created, the repository owner can review and provide feedback or merge your changes into the main branch.

I hope this provides a clear explanation of each step and their significance in the pull request process!

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